Angel Olsen ha condiviso la registrazione casalinga di un nuovo brano dal titolo “Time Bandits”.

Il pezzo, di 11 minuti, è stato composto alcune settimane fa e proposto al pubblico attraverso l’account IG dell’artista che ha dichiarato:
Contro ogni parere ho deciso di buttare fuori un’altra canzone. E’ business…il mio business.

Guarda l’esibizione ‘domestica’:

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I wrote this after I came home from St. Louis a few weeks ago…against better judgement I’ve decided to put new songs up, it’s a business but it’s my business. The feeling takes over at first it’s surprising But then I surrender no longer in hiding I’m having a hard time not falling in love with The heart of a moment the heart of a moment Be here if you’re bein’ the people are seeing Listen if you’re hearing The truth needs no saying It’s in us its with us if you know it, it’s framing The love that you’re holding the dreams that you carry The joke that you’re telling someone to be merry And laugh at it all when you’ve just had enough And dance when you’re crying, get that spirit up I want you I want you I need you right now To be here and lay down and get on the ground And hear it and feel it and know that you’re bound to the earth to each other, and that’s where it’s found The love that we wanted the future we need We can’t do it alone, we have to believe In each other in each other be as thick as thieves But thieves like time bandits with hearts on our sleeves Who fly up from the past and present what is key To surviving the future and reversing the spell That we put on our people that dragged us all into hell I want you I want you I need you right now I want you I want you I need you right now To be here and lay down and get on the ground And hear it and feel it and know that you’re bound to the earth to each other, and that’s where it’s found I want you I need you I need you right now

Un post condiviso da Angel Olsen (@angelolsenmusic) in data:

“Whole New Mess” (leggi la recensione), uscito lo scorso 28 agosto è l’ultimo disco della Olsen che di recente si è esibita in due cover:

“Beware of Darkness” di George Harrison:

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The original is pretty great. I’m just messing around like a tired sad shit Words are good too: “Watch out now, take care Beware of falling swingers Dropping all around you The pain that often mingles In your fingertips Beware of darkness Watch out now, take care Beware of the thoughts that linger Winding up inside your head The hopelessness around you In the dead of night Beware of sadness It can hit you It can hurt you Make you sore and what is more That is not what you are here for Watch out now, take care Beware of soft shoe shufflers Dancing down the sidewalks As each unconscious sufferer Wanders aimlessly Beware of Maya Watch out now, take care Beware of greedy leaders They take you where you should not go While Weeping Atlas Cedars They just want to grow, grow and grow Beware of darkness”

Un post condiviso da Angel Olsen (@angelolsenmusic) in data:

e “Mr. Lonely” di Bobby Vinton (insieme alla compositrice Emile Mosseri):

Credit Foto: Stian Schløsser Møller / CC BY-SA