Continua la spiacevole vicenda che vede protagonista l’ex Real Estate, ora Ducktails, Matt Mondanile.

Come raccontanto nei giorni scorsi la band americana aveva svelato le reali motivazioni dietro l’allontanamento del chitarrista e fondatore Mondanile. Le accuse di molestie sessuali perpretate dall’artista ai danni di diverse donne sono state confermate dalle ‘vittime’ interpellate dal magazine Spin.

Adesso, per la prima volta, Matt Mondanile commenta, attraverso una comunicazione del suo avvocato, la sua posizione.

Il chitarrista ammette il comportamento inappropriato confermando di aver approfittato della sua posizione di musicista senza però fare riferimento a specifiche situazioni. Chiede scusa assumendosi le responsabilità  delle sue inaccettabili azioni aggiungendo però: Molto di quello che è stato scritto è falso e diffamatorio, ci sono due lati della stessa storia.

Vengono inoltre rese note le modalità  di separazione tra Mondanile e i Real Estate.
Nel Febbraio 2016 l’attuale titolare del progetto Ducktails firmò un accordo d’uscita dal gruppo con il quale le due parti promettevano di non denigrarsi a vicenda.

A tal proposito l’artista aggiunge:
Violando i termini del contratto i membri dei Real Estate non hanno ‘protetto le vittime’ ma protetto loro stessi prendendo le distanze da controversie che potrebbero rovinarne l’immagine.

Questo il testo integrale dell’avvocato:

Recently, there have been allegations and articles circulating regarding Musician Matthew Mondanile’s past conduct toward women. This statement, issued through his attorneys, is intended as a general response to what has been written.

First and foremost, Matt would like to apologize: “I am endlessly sorry for my inappropriate behavior. I took advantage of my position as a musician, though I never intended to hurt anyone emotionally or otherwise. I’ve been an insensitive creep and again I apologize to everyone and anyone who was affected by this. I respect and commend the women who have come forward. Their breaking silence has compelled me to seek a more intense course of self-reflection, and personal development. I make no excuses for my behavior, I only want everyone to be ok. Words cannot convey how truly sorry I am.”

Despite Matt’s attorneys’ legal analysis of the allegations, Matt has insisted that nothing be said that blames or casts aspersions upon his accusers. Much of what has been written and talked about is false and defamatory. Nonetheless, Matthew accepts responsibility for his less than exemplary behavior. Matt realizes that in his eagerness for physical contact and gratification, he has been far from sensitive in his pursuit of women. However, Matt’s attorneys insist that it should be known that for each of the instances described in the media and online, there are two sides to these stories.

Regarding Real Estate, the band required Matt to sign a “leaving agreement” in February 2016 that prohibits both him and the band members from making any negative or derogatory statements about the other, or that may negatively affect the other’s reputation and career. In violating the terms of the agreement, Real Estate band members were not “protecting the victims,” they were instead protecting themselves by sidestepping the controversy to protect the band’s commercial viability.

Photo: georgia from brooklyn, usa / CC BY